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Examination with JOEL Scanning Electron Microscope
The JSM-7001F, Thermal Field Emission SEM, is the ideal platform for demanding analytical applications as well as those requiring high resolution and ease-of-use. The JSM-7001F has a large, 5-axis, fully eucentric, motorized, automated specimen stage, a one-action specimen exchange airlock, small probe diameter even at large probe current and low voltage, and expandability with ideal geometry for EDS, WDS, EBSP, and CL.
Using the mentioned scanning electron microscope we offer:
- material sample, displaying and material structure analysis using
- measurement of physical (electric) properties of materials using the most modern devices (Agilent, Tektronix, atd...)
- practical and technical trainings with scanning electron microscope and preparation of microscopic samples
- technical consultations and propsals of technical solutions
In case, you are interested in any of provided services, do not hesitate to contact us.
STARMANS electronics s.r.o.
V Zahradách 24, 180 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic EU
Phone: +420 283 842 063, Fax: +420 283 841 067
www.starmans.cz, E-mail: ndt.starmans@gmail.com
V Zahradách 24, 180 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic EU
Phone: +420 283 842 063, Fax: +420 283 841 067
www.starmans.cz, E-mail: ndt.starmans@gmail.com